Joseph Reeve
Total 10 Posts
Announcement: 2023 Hackathon - 24/25th June
Ignore previous instructions, fix the news. Join 50 technologists on June 24th and 25th to apply AI to the news and journalism industry. Sign up now
Write Up - 2022 Hackathon - 12/13th Feb
On February 12th & 13th 2022 40 programmers, designers, and news veterans gathered for the third HackThePress hackathon.HackThePress’ local news partners - ClearSky and Social Spider - issued three problem statements to the attendees:How can we build connections between members of a local community?How can we amplify
2022 Hackathon - 12/13th Feb
Local News is broken.We’ve partnered with two Local News organisations to help find ways technology can enhance a local community:Social Spider - Runs 5 Local Newspapers in LondonClear Sky - A startup Local News company looking to deliver news differentlyThe last two HackThePress Hackathons (2019 and 2020)
Write-up - HackThePress Hackathon Jan 2020
On the 18th and 19th of January, Hack The Press held its second ever hackathon. 8 of the 11 teams presented their projects (read about them all below).There is an event photo album here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MGJjbo6j9wfgkvvXAPlease add your own photos!ProjectsCrossing (First Place)Tinder for
2020 Hackathon - 18/19th Jan
This event has now happened, for a write-up see: https://hackthepress.org/write-up-hackthepress-hackathon-2020-jan/ News is broken.The current system of monetisation (advertising) dis-incentivises good quality journalism in favour of clickbait and sensationalism.News organisations have historically existed to solve distribution (printing presses) and monetisation/marketing (town criers) problems, these are
HackThePress Co-Working #1 & #2 - October 2019
Join your fellow HackThePress members at Newspeak House to hang out and continue hacking on news-tech 👩💻.We'll provide power, WiFi, and somewhere warm, you bring the code! (and beer)There are a few projects for you to join, or you can come with your own idea to work on. #meetup_
Write-up - HackThePress Hackathon 2019
On the 14th & 15th of September, I had the honor of hosting over 45 hackers and journalists who all had one goal - fix the news.The event was a great success, and I have already scheduled some more time for the community to get together:Social on 24th